
Please‎ be‎ aware‎ that‎ if‎ you‎ have‎ travelled‎ and‎ you‎ are‎ sick,‎ call‎ 1-877-644-4545. ‎

If‎ you‎ require‎ an‎ ambulance, inform‎ the‎ operator‎ of‎ your‎ travel‎ history‎ and‎ they‎ will‎ direct‎ you‎ to‎ the‎ appropriate‎ treatment‎ center.‎

Please‎ be‎ aware‎ that‎ Brunswick‎ Medical‎ Centre‎ is‎ NOT‎ a‎ screening‎ nor a treatment‎ center‎ for‎ the‎ coronavirus.

PLEASE REFER TO quebec.ca‎ for more updated information on the Coronavirus.